Unlocking the Power of Essential Oils: A Natural Solution to Combat Everyday Stress

Posted by Kathleen Flanagan on

Did you know that 70% of dis­ease is caused by stress in the body and mind? Did you know that insom­nia is a large indi­ca­tor of the stress in your life? Did you know that you are assaulted by stress 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

Can you put your­self in this scene? You start your day by tak­ing a shower. You use soap, sham­poo and con­di­tioner that are chem­i­cally derived, full of sul­fates, ureas, fra­grance, propy­lene gly­col, etc. You get out of the shower and your skin itches, it’s dry and scaly. You dowse your body in lotion, full of min­eral oil and alco­hol – that clogs the pores so your skin can’t breathe and dries your skin out further.

You pick some­thing up at a fast food restau­rant loaded with fats, car­bo­hy­drates, preser­v­a­tives and other chem­i­cals; you are in traf­fic that never seems to end or lighten up – no mat­ter what time of day! You are in your job that demands 110%. You may or may not eat lunch. If you eat lunch, it may be fast food again and you may eat at your desk.

You go home, in traf­fic again, only to take the kids to soc­cer prac­tice. You may pick some­thing up at a fast food restau­rant or microwave some­thing. You are exhausted, stressed and your day is not any­where com­plete yet. You feel if you could just have a beer or glass of wine, it would help you to relax.

When you get home and finally get the kids down, you fall into bed with sheets that were washed in chem­i­cals and fra­grances. Only to start this sce­nario all over again. And you won­der why you are stressed!

We are assaulted daily by our:

  • Envi­ron­ment (traf­fic noise, cry­ing baby, nag­ging adults);
  • Emo­tions (grief, anguish, heart­break in all forms);
  • Phys­i­cal (push­ing your body too hard for too long, overeat­ing, skip­ping meals, workaholism);
  • Men­tal (nag­ging anx­i­eties that won’t go away e.g., unem­ploy­ment, exams, finan­cial wor­ries); and
  • Chem­i­cal (things you eat, drink, breathe, e.g., sugar, drugs, smoke, alco­hol, junk food).

When we are stressed, our body sends out sig­nals in the form of aches, pains, ill­nesses, and men­tal and emo­tional dis­or­ders. If the stress is not elim­i­nated or eased, the immune sys­tem begins to break down. Vital organs begin to fal­ter – par­tic­u­larly the heart and lungs.

Now, are you ready to cre­ate a change in your life?

Essen­tial oils are nature’s cure. The essen­tial oils are the life force or blood of the plants. Plants also get stressed in their envi­ron­ment. They are learn­ing to adapt to the weather changes, the pol­lu­tion in the ground, air and water. They are sur­viv­ing, and in most cases, thriv­ing despite our best efforts to pol­lute their envi­ron­ment. The energy or essence from the plants is extracted and helps your body, mind and spirit adapt to the changes you are going through.

Plant essences can invig­o­rate and stim­u­late, soothe and calm, refresh, reju­ve­nate, arouse, inspire, help with sleep and/or pro­mote endurance. Can’t you use just a lit­tle bit of the ben­e­fits of essen­tial oils? Do you think it would make your day just a lit­tle bit bet­ter and eas­ier to get through if you felt you had the energy you needed or the tran­quil­ity and joy in doing what your life requires?

Just smelling the essen­tial oils increases the blood flow to the brain and sends the mes­sage that “all is well with the world.” Wouldn’t that be a great way to start your day? Wouldn’t it be great to main­tain that feel­ing through­out the day? Essen­tial oils pen­e­trate to the deep­est lay­ers of the psy­che where stress has its roots.

Even the ancient Egyp­tians knew this. Knowl­edge lost through the cen­turies is now widely avail­able, and more astute cus­tomers are ask­ing for prod­ucts that are first all-natural (chemical-free) and most impor­tantly enhanced with essen­tial oils.

When you start using per­sonal care prod­ucts that con­tain ther­a­peu­tic grade essen­tial oils, you will start to notice a dif­fer­ence in your health and well-being. You will imme­di­ately start feel­ing bet­ter, look­ing bet­ter and feel more at peace within your environment.

Awak­en­ing Spirit has a solu­tion to every body care prob­lem you may have! And, because we employ a body/mind/spirit phi­los­o­phy, you will begin to feel pos­i­tive change in your life on all lev­els. How can this be, you ask?

Awak­en­ing Spirit uses 100% ther­a­peu­tic grade essen­tial oils in all its prod­ucts. Just mak­ing small changes in your life by switch­ing per­sonal care prod­ucts will start a health­ier lifestyle. If noth­ing else, your body will have some reprieve from all the stres­sors. Don’t you think that if you are more relaxed and peaceful, then a busy day would be a lot easier to handle? Don't you deserve a less stressful life? Begin today, right now. Do one small thing for yourself. You'll be glad you did. I promise you.

Check out Chill Out for Stress Relief here.

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